She thought her thoughts were simple. She never understood the logic of Kajal when she knew her tears would take it down her cheeks every time she cried over the smallest things. She never understood the logic of not being able to wear black clothes on auspicious occasions when she knew that was the colour that matched her soul. She never understood the logic of marrying at the ‘right’ age if you didn’t find your soulmate, your other half. She never understood the logic the wearing branded clothes when her thinking would remain the same. But what she didn't realize was, this was the thinking that made her unique. It was these thoughts that made her different from all the people of her age who thought that using Kajal would make their eyes bigger. Who believed in wearing reds and blues during auspicious days. Who wanted to marry at the ‘right’ age. Who thought wearing branded clothes would improve their thinking. She thought she had demons in her mind that made her think that way. What she didn’t realize was those demons were actually angels. Angels that were telling her it was okay to cry without worrying about her Kajal. Angels that were telling her it was okay the wear black, ignoring the eyes of the judgemental. Angels that were telling her that she could marry at the age of fifty. Angels that were telling her it was okay to be her true self. Angels that were guiding her to love herself the way she was. The demons were in the minds of the others.
-Himanshi Pande
This is so good!